Friday, March 20, 2009

My Loopt Journal


Hybrid Yukon

CSI: Santa Clarita

Out here where they shoot a lot of this show. The weather is nice
today, warm in the sun and a little cool in the shade.

Working at an abandoned bank and now at a mobile home park off Vasquez
Cyn. Rd. This is pretty run of the mill rigging.

Interesting to see that the show uses Hybrid Chevys and GMCs. Check
out the photo.

I've put together a new blog: "Confessions of a Movie Set Medic" also
on blogspot. It's still under construction so keep an eye out.

Be well and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hours And Years

I was curious about how many hours I've worked and how many years
vested in this business. The Motion Picture Pension Fund informed me
that I have accumulated 32,700 hours and 12 years.

In order to get the full pension, one has to work 30 yrs AND 60,000
hrs. This averages out to 2,725 hrs/yr and I will have to keep up
that pace for the next 18 years to get the full benefits. The way
work is shaping up this year I won't work those hours. Even if the
work picks up, I don't think I want to start cranking out multple long

I can get lifetime medical in three more years but I don't see myself
working as a Medic at age 70.

The requirement of 30 years and 60,000 is difficult to reach and I
don't think younger people getting into the business will be able to
reach that threshold.

Be well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Griffith Park

It's been a few days since the last posting and that reflects my lack
of work as a card carrying IATSE member.
Perhaps I should branch out and start blogging from the beach, because
I've worked almost as many days as a Lifeguard as a Medic.
I will work as a W.A.T.E.R. Program Instructor next week through

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reshoot Day

Using the same VFX facility as CSI. This day will be at least 13 hours, now that's a long day when you're used 8 hour beach shifts.

Thankfully there's wifi and Mob Wars. I'll try to update how the day goes. They say the truss for the stunt will be ready at 8:30, that's movie time though.