Monday, April 2, 2007

Saturday 3/31/07

I didn't think about getting online today so this is a make-up post.
I only had today off this week so I tried to make the most of it: My wife and I went out for coffee and bfast at our favorite spot, Urth Caffe in Beverly Hills. If you like strong coffee that's organic then this is the place. My favorite is a triple Spanish latte, it's so good because they put in a little condensed milk. We then went to Costco and bought stuff, we always buy something when we go. It's hard to get out for less than $150.

Later I drove my older son to visit his girlfriend and let me tell you that young people are lousy at directions. We eventually got there and then I drove back to the westside to pick up a carpet cleaner that we need desperately.

Next, it was off to visit my father who has Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Dad's wife is very loving to him and dedicated to his comfort. He has a caregiver 24 hrs/day to take him in/out of bed and feed and change him. I sit on the couch with him and watch tv and tell him how things are going. I miss interacting with him though.

After leaving Dad's house I went home to pick up my younger son. We went to the park and hit tennis balls around for a while.

My wife wasn't feeling well so the boys and I went to The Apple Pan for dinner and then to the AMC 15 to see "Blades of Glory". The movie was pretty funny but Will Ferrell played a character very much like 'Ron Burgundy'.

All-in-all a very satisfying day off.

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