Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday 3/27/07

Yesterday turned out to be a long day. I can in at 4.0 (am) with the rigging grips and I got off at 21.0 (9 pm). And we had a one hour lunch to boot. I usually sleep at lunch on those early days but yesterday I was too wound up trying to get the blog set up.

Today we started at a more humane 8:30 call which gave me time to take my sons to school and even have coffee and hot chocolate with one.

I owe much thanks to our Sound Mixer, Jeff Wexler for helping me find blogger.com, Jeff's extremely knowledgeable about the web and computers.

As a show winds down most of us on the crew talk about what we're doing next. Some people don't reveal what's next out of a superstition that, "You don't really have it 'til you sign the deal memo." They don't want to jinx it. Some don't have anything lined up and plan to "day play". I'm one of the latter. I don't know what's next but I'm not worried, I still need to but some days in on the beach. I'll put up a picture from the tower soon.

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